Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Busy Bee

Today was a very stressful day. All the things I have to do keep piling up and as much as I try to complete them, the to-do list never seems to dwindle. I am really starting to realize how damn expensive life is! What the hell is this crap?! What happened to the days when a whole meal cost 25 cents!? (Okay, I was never around for that, but still, I've heard stories!) I found myself staring at little kids today, wishing that I could be a kid again just for a little longer! How simple life was then! The only thing I ever worried about was if I was going to make it home in time to watch my favorite TV show on Nickeloden, or the fact that I had to do maybe a half hours worth of homework each night! Even if you fell and hurt yourself, you cried for like one second and then you were back up playing, laughing, and being carefree! Ugh, wasn't that the life?

Anyway, I have a few things starting up, and have been networking myself pretty well these past few weeks. Hopefully, something starts coming along to get the ball rolling! I had an interview today with a different staffing firm, and have another one tomorrow. The staffing firm that I am interviewing with tomorrow, already wants to send me on an interview for a Publicity Assistant position at AE/Lifetime Networks! So, I am pretty excited about that!

This weekend, I'll be working on set of a short film, as an ASSOCIATE PRODUCER intern, but just ignore that little intern part. So, what if I'm not getting paid?! Okay, fine, that sucks but it should be really cool anyway, because we are shooting at a real studio, which will be set up like an airport! So, I'm not getting paid for the work I'll be performing, but I have already gained some great contacts that could definitely help me out in the future. It's all about networking these days, isn't it?!

Tomorrow, after my interview, I'll definitely need to head to the beach for a nice run to clear my head and release some endorphins! Lord knows, I need too! These next few days are going to be pretty busy with interviews, preparing for the shoot, and the shoot itself, so come Monday, I'll definitely be enjoying my time off!

<3 Loni

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