Saturday, January 21, 2012

Santa Monica to Venice Beach

Today, I ran 5 miles! I ran all the way from Santa Monica Beach to Venice Beach! Of course, I stopped to walk occasionally, but 5 miles is the longest I've ran straight! I got to see Venice Beach, which was not really what I expected. I only saw part of it, but the part I saw was very run down and there were a lot of homeless people set up on the beach, or at least I thought they were homeless, there were also a lot of hippy type people as well. Maybe that's why I ran so far, because I wanted to get out of there as fast as possible! After I got home, I sat on my balcony for a while and read. It was a little windy but besides that the weather was beautiful today! I only speak for myself though, because the native Californians are bundled in jackets, scarves, and boots around here! I even saw someone wearing gloves and a hat! If only they would experience a winter in NY, then this weather would be summer to them!

I'll probably go back to Santa Monica Beach tomorrow for another run or maybe I'll rent a pair of roller blades! The beach and pier are filled with people and families bike riding, running, walking and roller blading! After my run tomorrow, I am going to watch the Giants/49ers game with a friend from Delaware who has been living out here for about 8 months. It will be nice to see a familiar face and talk about home!

<3 Loni

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